Our MissionΒΆ

If you aim for the impossible and reach just half of it, you are still going to amaze a whole lot of people. Therefore our mission is at the same time incredibly simple and seemingly incredibly hard to achieve:

We want to make the world a better place.

“Why do we want to do this?”, you might ask. “Why would anyone NOT want to do this?”, we would answer.

Without any doubt we are living in an age of technology. Machines are increasingly replacing humans, creating all kinds of problems:

  • a global problem of unemployment
  • an ever accelerating globalization
  • an always increasing global energy consumption
  • which leads to increasing exhaustion of natural resources
  • and global warming

Our generation might not have it’s World War II but that doesn’t matter. We have global problems that might even be worse than that and while that sounds like a horribly negative depiction of our times it is in fact a good thing:

During times of great risk there are always also great opportunities.

While our age of technology created a whole lot of problems it did also create one incredible opportunity:

Knowledge is available almost for free, almost instantaneously and information can “go viral” and travel across the globe in a matter of hours. Ideas can be turned into prototypes without large amounts of investment capital or massive production sites. Think about Open Source. Think about startups that turn into billion dollar companies and render established corporations obsolete. Think about the Arab Spring. Think about Kickstarter. Think about Wikileaks.

In short: In human history there has never been a time where one individual had more power to make a global impact. This is the huge opportunity of our generation.

We believe that when given financial security and the possibility to make free decisions it is inherent in every human to do something and to do something good in particular.

At Bitmazk we are trying to create an environment where each member has the opportunity to grow as an individual, to live on this planet with their eyes open, to identify meaningful problems and to provide lasting solutions.

Ironically the ever accelerating technological revolution threatens humanity on many levels: environmental, physically, psychologically, ethically but at the same time it has raised the average standard of living so much that it allows each and every one of us to do the one thing that is truly human:

Making the world a better place.